About the Author

My name is Gabrielle Rhody, and I am an INTJ Orthodox Christian who loves exploring truth with dragons (AKA a fantasy writer.) I was homeschooled through high school and majored in English Literature at Union University. When I am not reading or working with animals, I am working toward publishing a series of fantasy novels where I explore questions of ethics and theology that I struggle with in my own life. In my nonexistent spare time, I enjoy D&D, hunting, swimming, LARPing, and playing with my dogs, Estel and Morgana.

“The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in the land of the shadow of death, upon them a light has shined.”

~ Isaiah 9:2 NKJV

I do not have much to my name, but I do have one thing. I have a King who defeated death and called me to proclaim His name, the name of Jesus. And I know the story that He wants me to tell.

In 2016, I was diagnosed with OCD and a depressive disorder, and it wrecked my world. As the symptoms got worse, I stopped being able to write and took a four year break from writing and blogging. When it felt most insurmountable, I even had to take a medical break from working. However, here I am, writing once again. And this is my story.

So maybe you should not listen to my writing tips—I am just an unpublished, inexperienced amateur. But hopefully, you will hear my purpose. God has called me to proclaim hope and truth to whoever will listen. Maybe this blog is not how I am supposed to reach people, but it is a step.

Because God will change the world and I will speak His truth.

“Forget not Master Valiant-for-the-Truth,

That man of courage, though a very youth.

Tell everyone his spirit was so stout,

No man could make him face about,

And how Great-Heart and he could not forbear

But put down Doubting Castle, slay Despair.”

~ John Bunyan “Pilgrim’s Progress”

25 thoughts on “About the Author”

  1. Hello Gabrielle, what a lovely about page – “rebel for justice and truth” – I love that. Yes! Boldly proclaim as only you can – your story… which yeah, is HIS story too. You’re an inspiration, as you write and blog, no apologies. Blessings on your publishing journey! Very exciting, will keep up with you! xxJeanine

    ps. LOVE Pilgrim’s Progress – an epic tale of ginormous proportions 😉


  2. Hello! I stumbled across your blog somehow (I think I was reading something you wrote about fantasy cliches to avoid) and I just wanted to say that I think you and your story are so awesome! I really hope you get published because I’m so intrigued with your characters and story and I want to buy the whole series!!


  3. Very insightful. I also am an INTJ Born-Again Christian, (also an INTJ female *unicorn high five*) and I find your writings very inspiring. I admire your courage in posting your works, and especially in sharing the Good News to all creation 🙂


    1. Thank you! The Christian walk isn’t easy, but it is the best. I checked out your blog, and I enjoyed your review of the Hunger Games. Frankly, I cannot stand the books because of moral issues (as you mention), lack of character development, and the fact that I simply hate Katniss. Since they are so popular, I am always glad to find someone else who feels the same way.


  4. It good that you stand for God cause I too would like to do the same thing with my work. I hope we can trade some word over some topics.


    1. Thank you! I would love to talk about God and writing any time. If you want, you can contact me either by form on the “Contact Me” page or e-mail me at writefortheking.gmail.com.
      God bless,


  5. I stumbled across your blog via a link to ‘top five fantasy cliches to avoid’, and I must say, finding a teen author who is also a Christian has been thrilling and spiritually up-lifting! I love your quotes, and reading that you’ve struggled with depression gives me hope, because I struggle myself. I might just mention that in your five fantasy cliches to avoid, the reason that there are forests instead of skyscrapers is that there’s something alive and wonderful about nature that cannot be captured among buildings, signs, and electric lights. But that’s just a thought. I’ll certainly be returning to this blog to read some of your other posts about writing!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! I am glad that my story is uplifting. I will pray for you 🙂 Depression is a complicated, hard thing to deal with.
      I completely agree with you that nature is special and much better than technology (I am a country girl who loves camping, backpacking, and hunting.) But I still think you could put fantasy in a technological world, though it might not be my personal preference either 😉


  6. I stumbled upon your blog accidentally, and I’m so happy I did! We share a similar vision, I think; to tell stories for our God. I’m currently writing a young adult novel too. It’s meant to tell reflect Christ’s truth in a slightly futuristic setting. I look forward to keeping up with what you are doing! 🙂


  7. Hi Gabrielle! You already know me, but I just wanted to say I stumbled across your blog a few months ago while looking through Pinterest, and I’m so glad I found it! I’m an ENFP christian, and I always find your blog to be inspiring, encouraging, and uplifting. Great job Gabrielle! You can count on me to check your blog in the future. 🙂
    Happy writing to you, and God bless!


  8. YES!!!
    I Totally agree!
    We need a group of writers who have the courage to stand up for what they believe in–Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior!!!! I am totally coming back to read more of you. 🙂


  9. Hi!
    I came across your blog a few months ago and I’m so glad I did!
    I have a quick question, I submitted a part of my book that I’m working on, but I haven’t seen any feed back, so I was just wondering if you still do the ‘open pen critiques?’ Completely understand that you’ve probably been very busy with the Holidays and life in general! I just wanted to ask. 🙂


  10. Hi, I’m a teen writer, too, and I’m looking to publish someday. ^-^ I write mostly short stories and poems. However, I found your blog because I was looking for some writing tips for a story my best friend and I are writing. Lol, the first thing that caught my attention was you mentioned The Door Within which happens to be my favorite book… But anyway, I love your blog! And I love the verse you have on your sidebar- Psalm 45:1! 😀


  11. Hi, I don’t know if you are still doing this (really hope you are!). I just stumbled upon your blog and I had to say, WOW! Thank you so much for doing this, and proclaiming the truth. These days Christians have grown too quiet and it is about time to let everyone know WHO WE FIGHT FOR.
    I’m a young teen who can’t read enough and constantly lives in an imaginary world, awhile back I decided that in everything I wrote I wanted to bring glory to God… It has proved to be a challenge, it’s taken awhile, but I am on my way on the journey of writing a fantasy series (fyi I absolutely love fantasy!).
    Anyway, I just wanted to say, keep doing what your doing and thank you, I believe God brought me to your blog tonight. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  12. I’m an atheist, but I totally appreciate this website. I’ve used so many of your writing tips, and I love your fantasy aesthetic.


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