About the Blog

Welcome to my blog, Write for the King! I am glad you stopped by, and I just wanted to let you know about what you will find on this blog. The best way for me to tell you what is on this blog is for me to show you its four purposes:

First, this blog is for the glorification of God. This means that every post I write will be coming from my Christian worldview, and I will be signing every post with “God bless.” I honestly can’t do anything less. Naturally, I am a terrible person, and it is Jesus Christ who rescued me, adopted me, and is embracing me as I am. I am not a kind person, but He has taught me to love others and that kindness is more important than intelligence. It is through Him that I even survive each day. Because of this, all of my posts are written from a Christian perspective and with the goal of glorifying my God, and my favorite posts to write are about the ethics of stories.

Also, this blog was made to post writing tips. As I grow as a writer, I have to research and have discovered many tricks. I wanted to share these with my fellow writers.

Third, this blog is for sharing my writing journey and my journey as someone with OCD and a depressive disorder. I am a young writer, as I mentioned before, and I am currently pursuing traditional publishing for my first novel. However, my struggles with mental health often get in the way of my writing. At first, I though this was something to ignore and hide, but now I believe this can be shared for the encouragement of others. As I work towards becoming published, I love to share my journey with you on this blog. If you want to hear more about me or my writing, you can:

Read about me here

Read about my novels and works in progress here

Read about or join my monthly newsletter

Or if you are struggling with mental health yourself, here is a post for you:

– What No One Tells You about Finding Time to Write

Finally, this blog is for connecting writers in a friendly community. As a young writer, I know how awesome it can be to be surrounded by others like you, so this blog is geared especially to young writers. However, any more mature writers are more than welcome and even needed! To facilitate this community, I encourage you guys to comment, guest post, and send me messages. The biggest part of the community is “Open Pen.” Open Pen is an opportunity to be critiqued by other writers on this blog. I try to post a critique every other Monday (if I have one). If you want more information you can click on this post or the submissions page or up in my tabs at the top of my website.