Writing Tips

10 Fantasy Clichés and Ideas to Change Them

Walk into any book store, and you will find shelves and shelves of fantasy books. But the same clichés run through most of them, and many are so predictable that you only have to read the back cover to guess the entire plot. Now, while I don’t suggest getting rid of every fantasy clichés in your novel (if you do, your novel might not be considered fantasy any more 😉 ), maybe you can have fun putting your own twist on a couple of these age old clichés. So here is a list of 10 of the most popular fantasy clichés and suggestions to inspire you to change or twist the clichés to make unique, interesting novel ideas.

And while, of course, not all fantasy books include these clichés, many of them do. Now there is nothing wrong with a classic fantasy story, sometimes it is fun to let your imagination take over and do something different. If there are any fantasy clichés that really bother you and I forgot or if you know of any good fantasy books which break out from the basic fantasy mold, let us know in the comments!

10 Fantasy Cliches and Ideas to Change Them

  1. The Prophecy of the Chosen One

You know this one had to be on here, right? Plenty of fantasy books have some sort of prophecy revolving around a reluctant hero who appears to be no one and their journey of saving the world. Some examples are Aragorn (The Lord of the Rings), Harry Potter (Harry Potter), Aidan (The Door Within), Eragon (The Inheritance Cycle), and many, many others.

A couple of ways to change this: Instead of a prophecy about the hero, could you have a prophecy about a rising villain? What if the heir to the prophecy is a spoiled rich brat who has known about the prophecy all of his life instead of a humble farm boy? Or you could just cut the prophecy and *gasp* have the character motivate himself to save the world! This cliché is actually so popular that I had to write an entirely different blog post about how to twist this one fantasy cliché.

  1. A Medieval European World

There are very few fantasy worlds that are not based on Medieval Europe. Most fantasy novels, if you get rid of all the magic and magical creatures, you are left with Medieval Europe; the clothing, the social order (knights, lords, kings, and serfs), the castles, the weapons, and everything else is based on this one time period. This is almost a defining feature of fantasy, but it could be very interesting to twist this.

A couple of ways to change this: What is you had an Arab nomadic based fantasy culture in a desert? Or perhaps you could base your world on tribes in the Amazon rainforest? Wouldn’t that be really interesting?

  1. Names must be Finnish/Welsh/Celtic/Norse Based 

This cliché almost falls under the previous category, but I wanted to give it is own section. Eragon, Caspian, Moraine, Gandalf (literally “staff elf” taken from an old poem about dwarves), etc. are all from one of the languages above (or some closely related language). I’d challenge you to look up your favorite fantasy character’s name and just try to prove this wrong.

A couple of ways to change this: Why not have Spanish, Arabic, or Native American based fantasy names? If you are in school, you could even use your foreign language class to provide inspiration. Moreover, wouldn’t it be cool to mix cultures? We could have Arabic based names in a Native American based fantasy world?

  1. The Main Character Wields a Sword

On the rare occasion, we get the treat of an archer main character, but it is rare. Most heroes (or even mentors and main villains) are swordsmen. Why? I really don’t know or care, but we need to add some variety.

A couple of ways to change this: Archers are totally and completely awesome and main character material (Check out this cool video.) But bows and arrow are not the only other fantasy weapons out there. Of course, we could have an ax wielding main character, but what about quarterstaves (huge sticks that are pretty fearsome to see in action)? These weapons are not just for side characters– let your main characters have some fun, too.

  1. Only Bows, Axes, and Swords Allowed for Other Characters

There are other Medieval weapons, you know 😉 But we rarely see them in fantasy novels. While the occasional bad buy might have a mace, no other weapons are really seen.

A couple of ways to change this: I mentioned quarterstaves above because they are one of my favorites, but there are so many other fun weapons for both side and main characters. Why not add in some javelins, lances, quivers of spears, morning stars, halberds, fighting knives, or even blow darts? Research and find some obscure weapons, or go invent your own! There are plenty of other ways to kill people. Muhahaha!

  1. Governments must be Monarchies

Again, this cliché goes back to fantasies being based in Medieval Europe which– guess what?– mostly had monarchies. So let’s change that.

A couple of ways to change this: Can you have a republic or democracy in a fantasy world? Or perhaps a totalitarian government or a plutocracy? If you are writing religious fantasy, you could even have a theocracy. Or go a step farther and have different nations have different types of governments in your fantasy world. Not sure about what these governments are? You can do some quick research on Google or check out my blog post on types of governments here.

  1. Only Mythological Creatures are Elves, Dragons, Dwarves, Humans or a Variant Thereof

While a fantasy book will contain the occasional dryad or other creature and some authors will make up their own creatures, elves, humans, and dragons almost always get the spot light. Some fantasy books do make up their own creatures, but most of the time, those creatures seem a bit underdeveloped.

A couple of ways to change this: Why not center your fantasy world around selkies, centaurs, dryads, naiads, or some other mythical creature? There are even some lesser known ones! And don’t just include them, why not center your story around them? Also I’d highly suggest that you use an already established mythological creature— not only are there literally thousands of creatures but there is a lot of really cool history and inspiration. Here are two great links for researching underused fantasy creatures:

Epic, Underused Mythological Creatures for Fantasy Stories (Hannah Heath)

A Giant List of Legendary Creatures by Type (Wikipedia)

  1. A Complete Lack of Science

Most fantasy worlds completely or almost completely lack a scientific development past the Medieval age. (Are we beginning to see a pattern here?) I suppose authors assume that magic just replaces science, but what if you worked with both science and magic?

A couple of ways to change this: What if the scientists and magicians were in conflict, or your world combined the two “studies”? Maybe your world does not see science and magic as opposing force? Perhaps you could scientifically explain your magic?

  1. Medieval Technology

With the notable exception of the Urban Fantasy genre, fantasy worlds tend to be less technologically developed that ours. We’ve got air planes, internet, and cars, but what technology can a fantasy world have? Does magic necessarily have to replace technology?

A couple of ways to change this: Think about the basic ideas of your fantasy world, and then imagine that people worked on making these ideas and harnessing the magical energies better for a couple of hundred years. Could your fantasy world have unique technology instead of being stuck in its Dark Ages? This cliché ties closely into scientific development and scientific communities. Maybe figure out how science and technology might work with magic.

  1. There must be some Quest

Don’t get me wrong: I love a good quest. But does every fantasy books have to center around one? Must there always be a character/a group of characters who journey to complete some heroic action? Must the world always be in danger? And must that threat always be solved with a quest?

A couple of ways to change this: Why not center your fantasy books around a war between two nations and their battle strategies (with a “fair” win and not some magical item destroying the other side)? Perhaps your characters could be trying to unite a nation or trying to lead a rebellion in order to form a new fantasy nation? Or maybe after your character chases down the lost sword and defeats the evil overlord suddenly, they must not face the problem of actually ruling and saving a people who have been oppressed for generations?

But before you start changing all the fantasy cliches in your novel, I am throwing in a twist:

It is okay to have clichés in your novel.

In the modern world, uniqueness and individuality are heavily emphasized. This pressure to be unique is immense and oppressive, especially as authors, and is probably why you are reading this post in the first place. However, some clichés (even a couple of the ones mentioned above) actually point to truths about our world, and sometimes by twisting clichés, we can end up writing unrealistic fiction. In fact, Tolkien himself has some interesting thoughts on clichés that might surprise you. I don’t have the space here to get into a detailed discussion of what Truth and Tolkien have to do with fantasy clichés, but if you have the time, I’d highly suggest reading this post on Why it’s Okay to have Clichés in your Fantasy Novel.

Phew. So fantasy clichés. What do you think?

God bless,


123 thoughts on “10 Fantasy Clichés and Ideas to Change Them”

  1. You should read the Elemental Master’s series by Mercedes Lackey. She does a great job of world building in everything she has every written, and has a way of taking the tried and true, and breathing new life into it .


  2. Would it be bragging if I said I avoided most of these cliches already – my hero is definitely not chosen, more like randomly made (a mistake), I have an “Arababic” dessert world and appropriate names and terms. My hero is not good with a sword, he is good with talking – that is his weapon. Words. He is physically able but simply as a mean to an end. My country has no government, I have more like independent cities and villages. My fantasy creature is, surprise surprise (not really =D), a djin. But I am going to show djins are not desert creatures.

    As for technology – well, I know that fantasy is mixed with it – it is called urban fantasy and it is a great genre (with amazing authors). Second, technology makes “magic” looks not so magical. That said, my world is relatively advanced in fields like medicine and building and agriculture and such…

    But you are totally, absolutely right – these are, like, The Norm. If you think fantasy, this is the basic recipe for most of them.


    1. Viktoria, a typo I presume, in your “Arababic” dessert world. I think you meant desert. However, the concept of a “dessert” world, made up of cakes, meringues, ice cream, etc, would be about as different as you can get. Sometimes typos and puns can lead to very interesting books, as in the writings of Piers Anthony, Terry Pratchett, Robert Aspirin and Tom Holt. I hope your character develops well. Are you “Lost for Real?”


      Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you for an interesting article. I’m not sure “Knight of the one True king” doesn’t use a cliche or two, but I haven’t read “It’s alright to use cliches” yet. I would recommend 2 books to anyone who is interested in fantasy worlds. The first is a slim volume (150 pages excluding the index/contents), “The Book of Imaginary Beings”, by Jorge Luis Borges lists 120 unusual beasts. First published in 1957, my translated copy (Penguin imprint) is 1967. A very easy read, or reference.

    If you want something much more massive, “The Golden Bough”, written by Sir James George Frazer, an anthropologist, first edition in 1890. A massive study of comparative religion and mythology. Hard work, my copy is about 1000 pages, very small print. So about the size of my 1 volume copy of “Lord of the Rings.”

    Re: Archers as characters, it becomes a relatively useless weapon for close quarters. This is why, though Robin Hood was the best archer in his history, he was also the second best swordsman (after Will Scarlet,) and handy with a quarterstaff (except for Little John.) Your hero needs to be able to defend himself in multiple circumstances, and a story where he shoots everyone from a distance is going to be less exciting than close encounters



  4. I would suggest that a delineation be made between cliche and trope.
    While the medieval world setting may be justifiably considered a cliche, a quest–in my opinion–is more of a trope. After all, even if the protagonist is not prophesied and is rather self-motivated, then he (or she) must still go on a physical quest of some kind toward victory.
    Having provided one example for brevity, I whole heartedly agree we should make sure we are using tropes and not cliches.


  5. Nice to know I’m on the right track of not being cliche…
    “My chosen one” is a being specailly made by the Gods of thier world to be compatiple with Them so They can basically poses him and interact with the people of the world they created. He’s not nessarlly there to save the world pre se, just be the head of the church and offer guidance.

    Set in a world more based on Meji Era Japan, as western culture was just starting to influnce things.

    Most of the names are Japanese but I try to pull some of the others from other cultures.

    My mythical creatures include Kitsune (Japanese Fire Foxes), Dryads, Sirens, Silkie and a gender shifting Sucubus/Incubus type being.

    I’m tring to mix alchemy and other science theroy into my Mages practices.
    And as such tring to mix technology in as well. I like how the Final Fantasy game series has done this and taking inspiration from them.

    No quest, more of a social equality/ suffrage movment…


  6. I hate how everyone uses Lars Anderson as an example for amazing archery. While what he does is incredible and takes a lot of skill, it’s mostly inapplicable to medieval military archery. For one he uses a very weak bow: war bows usually have a draw weight of over 100 lbs (some have been measured closer to 200 lbs) while Lars uses a relatively weak bow. Secondly, he only draws the bow to half of it’s draw length, meaning his arrows are not going to have much force behind them. On a real medieval battlefield, Lars is not the kind of archer you would want by your side. I’m sure that you could find ways to justify your MC being able to pull of incredible feats of archery within your story, but please don’t use Lars Anderson as a justification for this. If you’re going to write about an MC who uses a bow or crossbow, actually research medieval war archery (especially English longbows and/or compound bows like those used by the Scythians and Mongols) and what it takes to be able to launch an arrow from a 130 lbs war bow.


  7. Thanks for an informative article. I like to read and write “Sword and Soul” fantasy which is fantasy set in an ancient world based on Africa and African culture. This subgenre kills a lot of tropes. The master of the subgenre is a man by the name of Charles Saunders. Check out his books and short stories. Really amazing!


  8. Whenever I think about combining magic and technology, I’m always drawn to Avatar: the Last Airbender. Partly because all the nations are based off various East Asian culture/peoples, but also because they added in technology, science, advancement without undermining the benders/the magic until it became a plot point to do so.


  9. To put it in short. There are some western European clichés. Lets put them aside and… use some other western world clichés (Europe’s weapons, European state models, even western “fantasy creatures”. Come on! There are whole other worlds out there – recognise them, please.


  10. I have never in my life seen a finnish name in a fantasy novel. Swedish or norwegian or even icelandic ones? That for sure but never finnish. There’s no pekka niukkanen in fantasy.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Maybe some Viking-like names, but never Finnish. Not even Tolkien used Finnish names 😀
      So, Gabrielle, which Finnish names have you seen used in excess? Eragon, Gandalf, Caspian and Moraine are not Finnish, and they don’t even sound Finnish.
      I know, I am Finnish, and MY name IS Finnish.


  11. This article gave me a great idea for avoiding the chosen one cliche: the protagonist was prophesied to be the villain and their goal throughout the story is stop themselves from destroying/enslaving/dominating the world. Thanks. 🙂
    Also, I have another chosen one story in the works, but it’s told from the perspective of the sidekick character that every chose one seems to have. I still need to figure out the actual plot, but I think this perspective has a lot of potential.
    Good luck to all my fellow writers out there. You’ve got this! 🙂


  12. You’ve read The Door Within? So have I! Not many of the people I know have. Anyway, this article helped me a lot, so thank you! 🙂


  13. My first book is a fantasy, a children’s fantasy. The Cattail Forest isn’t expansive like Middle Earth or Narnia. The Cattail Forest is home to Fairy Creek and Graysloup. The characters are Fairy Frogs and Toads. Yes, I created the Fairy Frogs- but there isn’t a chosen one. There isn’t a quest either or weapons.

    Fairy Frogs are deeply compassionate, clever, and naturally gifted in the arts. Fairy Creek (where they live) is home to a grove of trees with round treehouses- the trees are connected by blue and pink bridges. To the left of the treehouses is a flower-shaped Gazebo. On the side of the two main creeks, there are painted and craved pebbles. Throughout Fairy Creek, you do see sculptures. It is what you what you think-magical and mystical. It does have cattails throughout. Aries is their leader. Sparkle is my main character- she deeply invested in her craft for drawing, courageous, rebellious, adventurous, and doesn’t listen well to authority.

    Graysloup (home to the toads) is not appealing. It is mostly underneath a highway. It is muggy and humid. There are trenches and ditches there. There is a lot of mud. The water there is very hard to see in. Sarge is their leader- who is not a good leader- he is actually a bully- especially towards his cousin, Marge. Sarge is my antagonist.

    The plot is: Sparkle befriends Marge after hearing how poorly she is mistreated by Sarge. The two of them decide to see if all the Fairy Frogs can befriend all the toads. What happens when Sarge tries to prevent and break up both friendships?

    The weapon here really is love, compassion, and friendship.


  14. Loved this post. Easy to understand and as I read it I was instantly rethinking ideas I had and seeing some genuine uniqueness coming out. I’d better write them down! Thanks! 🙂


  15. As for the main character having a bow and arrow, a good example of that is Will Treaty from Ranger’s Apprentice😁


  16. Re: Medieval weapons.
    Flemish peasants had a weapon they called a “Good Day.” It was a long club with a cylindrical handle and a box on the business end. Each side of the box, and the top, had a large spike protruding from it. The peasant would swing the “Good Day” at a dismounted French knight with enough force for the spikes to penetrate plate armor. As the weapon made contact with its target, the wielder would shout, “Good day!” Hence the name.

    Re: Governments must be Monarchies.
    There was a cluster of republics in northern India roughly 2500 yrs ago, but they (and some neighboring monarchies) ended up being swallowed by larger kindoms.
    Post-medieval Poland ended up being run by an oligarchy of landowners.
    Oddly enough, monarchy in one form or another has been a popular form of government since Day One. Dio-nysos, tyrant of Surakousai (Syracuse), gave that polis a system of government he called “Directed Democracy” which we now call dictatorship. In North Korea, the Kim family passed the Presidency from father to son to grandson. I don’t care what they call it — it’s a hereditary monarchy. Same with Syria.
    But you are right. There’s nothing from stopping a writer from mixing it up. Conflict between a King and a High Priest, for example. The High Priest might be independent of the King’s authority, or as in the case of the Byzantines, just a state employee. (Which did not stop the Patriarch of the Church from being very vocal on many issues.)

    Re: Mythical Creatures
    In a manuscript I’m working on there are dryads, wyverns, an Ellen Trechend, a Father Monkey, Chinese swamp monsters, The Lord of the Wild Hunt and the Furious Host, and a trio of monsters know collectively as “OMYGODTHESTENCH!”


  17. I enjoyed your article on fantasy tropes. I too think you should put your own twists on them. What I did was update to a later time, relocate to a tropical island with three chosen ones who didn’t know each other. I hope i can finish it. After all that’s what J,K, Rowling did.

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Very useful article! A lot to think about.

    These past 2 years I’ve worked on a fantasy novel and managed to twerk some of the fantasy cliches.

    1. “The Prophecy”
    Actually, a seer foretold a robbery at the Erfinder Gilde. When the moment came, it was just Maggie the world-jumper finding a key left in a cabinet door. On the spur of the moment,she stole the contents of the cabinet. Prophecy fulfilled. Of course, Maggie knew nothing about any prophecy or that several bounty hunters were already looking for her.

    3. “Names must be Finnish/Welsh/Celtic/Norse Based”
    The five main languages in the alternate Earth of my novel are Gaulish, Lithuanian, Mandarin, Greek, and Sogdian. The Modern Gaulish Dictionary even gave me some swear words. 🙂

    4. “The Main Character Wields a Sword”
    The main character is a Journeyman Mage who has rings of power and an enchanted walking stick. And for the climactic scene, Maggie is carrying a Menschenmörder-77 automatic pistol. The villain is taken out, however, by a servant wielding a skillet.
    Oh, an interesting Flemish weapon from the medieval period was a club called a “Good Day.” The business end of the club was carved into a box-shape. A large spike stood out on each of the 4 sides, an a fifth out of the top. The spikes could penetrate plate armor. If a French knight could be unhorsed, the Flemish peasant would smack the knight with the club while shouting “Good day!”

    6. “Governments must be Monarchies”
    Well, that’s just human nature. Dates back to the Sumerians who named their leaders “Lugal” which simply means “Big Man.” I’m afraid I used monarchies in my novel. But if you want to read up on an interesting medieval European republic, check out the Most Serene Republic of Venice.

    7. “Only Mythological Creatures are Elves, Dragons, Dwarves, Humans or a Variant Thereof”
    I used a lot of the Fair Folk, plus a couple of werewolves and dryads. But the really different mythological creature was an Ellen Trechend. I found info on this monster on the internet.
    Another monster that makes an appearance is a dragon-like creature known in China as the “New Year’s Beast.” Big and dangerous, but dislikes the color red and loud noises.

    8. “A Complete Lack of Science …. Maybe your world does not see science and magic as opposing forces?”
    The Parachronics “Guild” has intruded itself into the alternate Earth where my novel takes place. Mostly, they run dimensional transportation centers. The medieval peoples assume that the science is a form of magic. Many also believe that, since the Parachronics people come from Other Worlds, they are actually a type of Faerie-folk.

    10. “There must be some Quest”
    Well, the Journeyman Mage is after the person who robbed the Erfinder Gilde. But to get some needed information she has to go on a “quest” to acquire a magical pendant from an evil hag. (During a discussion centered around how to deprive the hag of the item, the Mage’s servant offers up the opinion that “Clasps can be tricky. It’ll be easier to just slide the pendant off the neck.” And the Mage remarks that she’ll need to get her knife sharpened.)

    Okay. That’s enough verbiage from me. Thanks again for the article.

    — Michael
    . Rhody;


  19. Hello! I read a few of your articles today, and I love them! I also enjoyed your own little biography page. I am homeschooled and from a big family, and I am a born again, priceless, child of God. All the girls in my family (excluding my indifferent younger sister) have loved books since each of us learned to read. I think it’s kind of interesting because my grandmother and I have similar personalities, and she is a born writer.
    I grew up reading a lot of classic literature and historical fiction. Those are probably my favorite kinds of books, but I think fantasy is interesting, and I love daydreaming about possible story ideas. I’m thinking about writing a fantasy, but first I need to construct the world that it takes place in.
    I do have a few questions that I would appreciate it if you answered. So, first of all how can I include God in my writing? I really want to wedge my faith into my writing, but it’s difficult to know how to go about doing that. Next, I love the idea of fantasy, but I don’t like the witchcraft, dark legends, etc. that are in a lot of books out there. Do you have any advice on how to write a story that’s interesting and in depth without using too much talk of dark magic? And a few questions on actually writing techniques: I am a natural-born pantser, but I rarely finish stories. Can I create an outline that will not discourage me from writing but instead spur me on to progress with the story? If one is writing in third person, how can she portray characters” feelings without sounding dull or obvious?
    Thank you so much, you’r story is inspiring! Love your articles! I look forward to your reply. God bless, Ketzia


    1. Hi, Ketzia!

      I’m glad you’re enjoying my blog. You have a lot of questions! I’ll try answering a few, but some others I’ll need more time on, and I may write a blog post about it instead.

      Your first questions will require a blog post, I think. But I can give you one tip in the way of a warning. Making an allegorical God for your story may not be the best way to include God in your writing. I actually wrote a post about this a long time ago which you may find interesting. https://writefortheking.wordpress.com/2017/05/30/christian-fiction-should-i-have-an-allegorical-god/ As for tips for including God in your writing, you’ll have to wait until I can write a blog post on that.

      As for avoiding dark magic, I’d first suggest you decide whether or not you want to avoid it existing in your story all together or simply have dark magic used by evil characters. On one hand, you can have a much lighter story without the existence of evil magic. But the story God chose to tell (aka our real world) doesn’t exclude evil. One way to make a story deep is to show the appeal of the power of evil while showing that dark magic is evil. A friend wrote a wonderful post about writing evil well, and if you want to go the second route, I’d suggest reading it. https://writefortheking.wordpress.com/2017/07/03/writing-evil-well/ However, if you have a strong preference against dark magic, I’d suggest focusing on the wonder as a basis for magic and a theme for the story. Try creating a world full of things that inspire wonder in you and in your reader– by definition interesting things. What do you find interesting and wonderful? Put that in your story! Second, I’d suggest focusing on your characters inner struggles. What do your characters wrestle with emotionally? What are their flaws? Going back to your first questions, what questions do you ask God and struggle to find answers to? What do you struggle with? What are you scared of in yourself or what answers are you afraid of? Put those things into your characters and into your story, and that will give your story depth.

      Oh boy. I’m 100% a plotter, but I’ll give my best shot at your questions. Maybe start with creating character profiles. Or instead of making an outline, jot down notes about scenes you imagine. The notes don’t have to be in outline form– they can even be a line of dialogue or a sentence that came to your mind. What excites you about the plot? What can’t you wait to get to? Write down those things first, then you can go back and put in the connecting details. Also, do you think you rarely finish stories because you don’t have an outline? If you’re a pantser, you may be asking me the wrong question. You may not need an outline at all, and there is probably another reason why you rarely finish stories.

      Alright, your last question. Here I may defer again and promise to write you a blog post on it. Third person is actually my favorite point of view to write in, and I think good third person portrays characters feelings just as well as the best first person stories. So it definitely can be done! I’ll give you tips later.

      You’re very welcome. Peace of Christ,


      1. Thanks so much for answering me!!! Thanks for your advice, too. It definitely makes a lot of sense! I’ve been thinking about why I rarely finish stories. I am sure that you’re right, it’s mostly because I can’t write out a whole outline or because I can’t stick to one. I’m so glad you wrote a post about including God in one’s writing!!! Thanks again, Ketzia

        Liked by 1 person

  20. I wrote a fantasy novel Epic: The Magical Discovery. I didn’t exactly write it to be different but I wrote it to be different, you know. It’s based in Africa until the characters magically teleported to the fantasy world Asitna. There are unique weapons introduced in this story, There are also unique mystical creatures like Greins and azizans. Also a deviation from the medieval system. Here is the link if you’re interested https://www.wattpad.com/story/243516409?utm_medium=link&utm_source=android&utm_content=share_writing

    I’ll be writing another book and I’m definitely keeping this article in mind.

    Liked by 1 person

  21. To be fair: if you look at the well known books and the bestsellers, there is little uniqueness to be found. A ton of clichés is what sells best (aside from sex), because people love best what they already know.


  22. I thimk that a fantasy novel has to have dragons in it otherwise it is not fantasy anymore.
    Why not create a new stage of development in the society of the book like achient technology combined with technology from other eras or technology that is infused with magic and then you will have a combination of science and magic.
    Also create a fantasy cultre completly diffrent from the ones in real life then you wil have a fictional religion, clothing stile, customs, profesions etc.
    When it comes to weapons its better to do some research on weapons throu the ages for example the guan dao a chinesse weapon that combines a large blade with a pole or a pair of shuan gou (hook swords) or a macuatl (the astech sword) or halebards or crassbows etc. A big problem with fantasy is the lack of pole weapons other than the spear. There are countles tipes and models for weapons, evryone that is writing a fantasy novel neede to have a divese selection of weapons from difrent culres that will give an unique feling to the reader.


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