Writing Tips

World Building Tips: Types of Government

A couple days ago, someone searched my blog, asking for “books that have a very different type of government in fantasy.” I did make a post of fantasy clichés a while back, and in there, I briefly suggested a few other types of government.

But now I want to cover those types of governments in a bit more detail and have a more exhaustive list for you guys. So in this post, I am covering a bunch of different types of government and giving a brief description of each type. If you want more information, you will need to look it up elsewhere, but hopefully, my list gives you a few new ideas along with reviewing the typical governments.

Almost any of these types of political organization can be used for any genre—not just fantasy. However, there is one type of government will solely lends itself to religious fiction, but I will be discussing that below.



This is where a group of people is governed directly by God. Though there may or may not be priests who work for God, it is important to note that in a true theocracy the God makes the calls and directly interacts with the people like an absolute monarch. Naturally, this type of government is really only use in religious fiction and mainly fantasy and sci-fi.

One word of advice if you choose to use this type of government: it takes away a sense of realism to your story because, in real life, God isn’t our actual king or physically present. It also lessens the need for your characters to have faith. Though ancient Israel (before the kings) was a theocracy, this type of a government in your story world easily can be messed up.

Please note that you can have a false theocracy where a single mortal/non-divine claims to be a god and rules likewise. However, this is not a true theocracy but rather an absolute monarchy with the support of the priesthood. Also you could have false gods/demons rule a society. From my Christian perspective, this would not be a theocracy (since I believe in only one God) but simply a supernatural monarchy. However, if you choose, you can have a government like this in your novel.


I consider this to be the most common fantasy world government. In fact, I mentioned it as a cliché in the post I mentioned earlier. It is even pretty common for sci-fi, too. A monarchy is simply where a people is ruled by a king or queen, and the power passes down to the child of the previous ruler.

There are variations on this government, though. A Constitutional Monarchy is where the king is bound to a constitution and cannot violate it. Some Constitutional Monarchies even have a parliament which has significant power (England is a real life example of this type.) Or you can have a Feudal Monarchy where the king is supported by nobles, lords, knights, and serfs.


This is a government where the people directly rule themselves by voting for ever decision. Please note that there are no representatives of the people; a democracy is not a republic. A democracy is based on majority rule. Honestly, there are not examples of large scale democracies in the real world because it is impractical to have everyone vote every time a decision needs to be made. However, this can work on a smaller scale like in a town.


In a republic, the people select representatives who make all the discussions. Please note that besides selecting the representatives, the people have not say in any other discussions. Also a republic may or may not have set terms for the representatives. It all depends.

Democratic Republic

This is a cross between a democracy and a republic. The people still vote for representatives, but the people can also vote for certain decision which are made. Typically, the representatives have set terms. The idea of this is to keep the representatives honest and doing what the people actually want.

Often a democratic republic will have an electoral college who are recommended to vote according to the will of the people they represent but still have the free will to vote as they choose. This prevents the majority/mob rule which democracy encourages.

A real life example of a democratic republic is the United States. This type of government can become very complicated, so if you want to learn more, you can take a government class in school 😉


This is where the country is ruled by the rich. Often times, the rich are the merchants and traders or those who own large corporations. However, in a fantasy world, the rich could be those with magic as opposed to those who don’t have magic. Also who the rich are depends on the society’s exports and trades. The wealthiest farmers could be the rich ruling class in certain areas.

In a plutocracy, the rich band together in their own little “clubs” and decide what is best for themselves and then act on it. It is important to note that there is no one ruler but a bunch of people plotting together. There tends to be a lot of back stabbing among the rich, plotting, and poverty among the common people. Also there really won’t be a middle class in a plutocracy.


Personally, this is my favorite type of government to use in fiction, but not because I think it is a great model 😉 A totalitarian government is ruled by the military. Real life examples of totalitarian governments range from Nazi Germany to when the Khans ruled the Mongols to early Rome. The highest commander in the army is in charge of the political realm, too (though sometimes there can be three or so commanders who are on the same level and rule together; however, this most often results in internal war and one rising above the rest.)

A totalitarian government has to be constantly at war or else it ceases to be totalitarian and transforms into something else. A lot of times, the people are enlisted into the army for a set period of time but not always. War is almost always the focus and becomes a way of life for these societies.

Tribal setup

This is where a chief rule over each village, and often times, a more powerful chief will rule over a group of smaller chiefs. Typically, the people have a fierce loyalty to their tribe and their chief. Sometimes, the chief has absolute power over his tribe, but more often, he has advisors and can be removed from power. Sometimes, the chieftainship will be passed down to the chief’s children, but more often, the people compete for the spot.

A lot of times, there is fighting among the tribes, and the tribes become very war centered. However, they may be peaceful and participate more in trading than anything else—especially is there is a head chief.


This type of government is very simple because there is none. There is no law or ruler in charge. Typically an anarchy does not last very long because someone takes over, but it is possible for an anarchy to be prosperous.

In a rural setting, an anarchy can work if the people trade for goods and stay out of each other’s way. However, anarchy generally causes gangs to rise up and bully the common people. Anarchy tends to be very violent and destructive. Also since there is no official currency, the people tend to trade goods for other goods; however, this also causes lots of fraud. Crime tends to be rampant since there is no government to punish anyone.

* Communism/Socialism

Now you cannot just have a commune and call it good. A different type of government has to take on a communist role. For instance, you can have Totalitarian Communism, Tribal Communism, Plutocratic Communism, or Monarchial Communism. Each takes on a little different spin on who is in charge, but communism is essentially where everyone shares everything. There is no such thing as private property, and everything is split evenly between everyone.

The issue is that whoever is in charge of the commune tends to become corrupt, and the people tend not to work as hard because they “will get paid anyways.” This tends to get rid of the middle class. However, small communes of willing participants can succeed for short periods of time (not multigenerational.)

And yes, I know that there is a difference between Communism and Socialism, but they are so similar that I decided not to get into the difference here.


Now, I don’t believe it is just enough to choose a type of government and run with it. What the people believe in and hold in high esteem greatly changes how the society is set up. However, since this post is running a bit long, next week’s post will talk about different cultural focuses.

So what types of government do you have in your world? Did I miss any types?

World Building Series:

27 thoughts on “World Building Tips: Types of Government”

    1. I *think* so, but I think the search I mentioned was actually a google search which lead the person to click on my blog. I get notified of some of those, but others are “unknown” search terms.


      1. That’s weird. And a bit creepy. It can be helpful for you, though, if you actually look at them, which it sounds like you do. Maybe if I ever wanted to tell you something covertly, I could just make a really long search on your blog……..


  1. Reblogged this on jdtcreates and commented:
    A good abridging of large scale society governments, an good place to start then find out more for your self like the variations of socialism and democracy. Like a social democracy for example.


  2. So I want to do Communism based, I think

    I want it to be set up where everybody is equal (Literally, like everybody is nearly completely the same). The world, or what is left of it, is governed by this group of seven people.

    What type of communism would you recommend? You said there were different types.

    This was a really helpful post


    1. Since your commune is actually governed by a group of seven people technically it is not true communism. It is socialism (this is almost the same, but you should know the different if you are writing about it.) Communism literally has no one ruling (also this really can never exist.) Socialism typically has the goal of transforming into communism eventually, but it takes a more practical approach and has people in charge of the commune.
      Do your seven people have absolute power over the people? This would make it a plutocratic (if the seven are especially rich) or parliamentarian (if the seven are not particularly rich) socialist state. Or you could have the seven be elected by the people and responsible to the people. This would make it a socialist republic. The other options are for the seven leaders to have conquered the people and forced the commune into a very war centered culture. This would make it a socialist totalitarian state.
      I would recommend having it be a socialist plutocracy since it is the most simple type (also is the typical one for communism), and it allows you to explore the corruption of the state. However, if you are looking to make a more perfect state, you could go for a socialist republic. Those would be my two recommendations.
      Did that help? I’m glad my post was helpful, but I think this comment might just have confused you more 😛


    1. The first time I replied to this, it disappeared, but it does that sometimes, so I did it again, but it keeps deleting it because it is a duplicate. So I’m changing the comment by saying this.

      To answer your question, a dictatorship would be a monarchy.


      1. I actually disagree with Olorim. You can have a dictatorship with any type of government except an anarchy (which is technically not a state.) Now, a monarchic or totalitarian government is the most common form of dictatorship, but even a democracy can turn into a dictatorship, though it looks different (the majority would suppress the minority.) Dictatorship simply means that there is absolute power in the hands of a few, and this is possible in a Republic, a Theocracy, or even a Tribal government. A Socialist government is almost always a dictatorship.


      2. I did some research, and I see your point. I was ignoring the fact that a monarchy is hereditary. Aside from that, though, the definition of a monarchy and a dictatorship is exactly the same, so while a dictatorship can come from a republic or other government form, at the point that a dictator emerges, it is no longer a true republic (or whatever it originated as). So maybe a dictatorship should be its own government type, with monarchy, totalitarianism, fascism, socialism, communism, a tribal setup, and maybe even theocracy as loose subsets.


    1. Not necessarily. Athens established a wide naval empire, and they were a democracy. Republican Rome established a sprawling empire, and they were ruled by two consuls, elected each year by the aristocratic senate. Though empires are probably more commonly monarchies, such as the British or Persian empires. That may be more due to the prevalence of monarchies in history, though

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Very interesting! I enjoy making governments.
    A few things:
    1. your definition of “totalitarian” is really a definition of “totalitarian militaristic”. “Totalitarian” simply means that teh government is absolutely supreme.
    2. You forgot oligarchy
    3. An interesting note might be made that you can mix and amtch governments. an oligarchy with a monarchy that presides over certain portions of the military adn the judicial system for example. a militaristic government with a democratic or republican voting system that allows only sodliers to vote and gives higehr rank more votes. etc.
    Thank you for this post! As always, it is imformative and insightful.
    God bless


  4. I think the concept of an oligarchy that isn’t a plutocracy is interesting. It’s something I’m exploring in one of my stories currently.


  5. Most everything is spot on, thank you for compiling the list, I’m sure most writers will find it very useful.
    However, you did make one common and understandable error having to do with communism and socialism.
    Communism and socialism are nothing alike. In fact they’re polar opposites. In communism the people work for the government and absolutely everything belongs to the state, including the people. In socialism, the government takes care of the people in exchange for a high tax rate. Individuals have rights and private property and earn their own money. The government belongs to the people not the other way around.
    Thank you again for all your efforts.


  6. These are incorrect descriptions of anarchy and communism. Anarchy does not mean a lack of order, just a different form of an organization along horizontal and radically democratic lines. Not all communism is authoritarian, and there’s a BIG difference between communism and socialism. Personal property, like a toothbrush or your personal possessions, is not the same as owning private property, like land, factories, or corporations.


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